KCON is the world’s largest fan celebration of Korean culture and music. KCON launched in Los Angeles event in 2012, expanded to New York in 2015, and have since created events in ...
Versace的時裝未必人見人愛,但總有一批支持者,今季推出「chunky sneaker」(老爹鞋)Trigreca Sneakers 大玩Neon螢光色,希望可以在年青人市場分一杯羹,官網如下介紹Trigreca Sneakers︰ Complete your look with the new Trigreca sneakers for him ...
Patek Philippe×Tiffany & Co是近期的玩表界的熱話,兩個品牌為紀念合作170周年而推出170枚限量版的Nautilus,其中一隻在12月11日於Phillips New York拍賣行成交,以535萬美元落鎚(連用佣金670萬美元),收益將全數捐贈予The Nature Conservancy。 這隻表特別的原因是PP從來都沒...